Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pillow Covers

David and I got these pillows for a good deal when we bought our couches. Neither of us loved them, but they were cheap. I saw this blog post & I started scheming how I would convince David that ruffles would be a good idea. I let him pick the fabric and he was all for it! He picked dark brown and a green print for the ruffles. Our couches technically are dark brown, but they look black.
The ruffles ended up taking twice as much fabric as I had thought it would, so I didn't end up with enough to make the pillows covered in ruffles as I planned (& still want...).  I improvised and they turned out okay. I was too lazy and didn't want to spend more money to make the rest of the ruffles.

Someday I need to do something about the black curtains that don't match....


  1. Super cute! I think they look cute with just a few stripes of ruffles :]]

  2. cute! look what you can get done when you don't have to teach everyday!

  3. They look great! Way to be all cute and crafty.

  4. I LOVE these Deidra! They are oh, so cute.

  5. 1st item of business. I have a love-hate relationship with your blog. I love coming and reading your updates. I love the song that is playing, "Sweet Disposition". I've told you this. But I hate the way it makes me feel. It makes me think of you and miss you. I regret not hiking up the stairs to see you more often.
    I really do love talking with you Deidra. If you ever want to talk or do something, call me.
    Those pillows are darling. That ruffle thing blows my mind. I did it and it got confusing. Glad yours turned out darling!

  6. Yeah for being crafty! I need you at my house :)
