Monday, April 5, 2010


We have a new addition in our family, a Nintendo Wii! David wanted a Playstation 2 more that anything. On Craigslist, we found a used one with 9 games or something for a pretty good deal. I emailed the seller and was planning on picking it up after work to surprise David. The more I thought about it throughout the day, the less I wanted it... haha I talked to David about it and we decided that if we were going to get a gaming system, we wanted a Wii. The next day we got our federal tax return and decided to check around for the best deal. Basically everyone sells it for about the same price. Best Buy was our decision and we purchased our Wii in a packaged deal along with two remotes with motion plus, two nunchucks, a charging station, Wii Sports, and Wii Sports Resort. David is hooked!
This past weekend David's parents visited! It was fun to have company and we even got them to try out the Wii! They brought me a graduation gift and brought us an Easter basket. My mom also sent an Easter basket down with Derek, so we are loaded with treats. Thanks for everything, parents!These were fun little bird's nest treats I made...
David wanted to try to paint eggs this Easter. We blew out the eggs, dyed them pastel colors, and then attempted to paint. Our eggs had nothing on the ones he saw in Slovakia on his mission... We lost interest pretty fast. The best egg was painted by David's mom, Tracey.

1 comment:

  1. It's addicting huh? If you want to buy cheap games log onto the Wii internet. The old mario is only $5. You'll have to come down so we can show you. You're so creative! Look at those cute treats and the decorated eggs.
    Also Drew and I laughed when you asked for the recipe to the sauce for Fajitas because it's so easy. It's just 1 cup BBQ sauce and 1 cup honey. I hope you enjoyed them! I love dinner group, especially because you guys are in it ;)
