Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer Reading

I LOVE to read. I don't hardly make time for pleasure reading during the school year. I already do tons of reading to be prepared as a teacher. But in the summer time, I read all I want. Summer is the best idea anyone ever had! I was trying to come up with one statement to describe why I love reading so much, but I couldn't come up with it.
I read to escape the worries of real life.
I read to see new perspectives. I read to learn. I read to live vicariously through other people. I read to daydream/let my imagination wander. I read to take me to new places & meet new people. I read for entertainment. I read because it's FUN!
I love the author
Avi's books The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle and Midnight Magic, so I decided to read some more of his books this summer. I read:
  1. The Seer of the Shadows- Soooo creepy, but I had to keep reading! I honestly thought I'd have nightmares, but luckily I have not.
  2. The Secret School- Cute book, easy read.
  3. Barn- inspiring.
The author Laurie Halse Anderson was recommended by a couple of friends. I read one of her books and decided to try out some more! Her books are so easy to read.
  1. Fever 1793- This is about the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia. It was interesting to think about daily living in such a different time.
  2. Speak- This book is about a sensitive subject, but I appreciated the outcome of the hard situation.
  3. Chains: Seeds of America- This book made me so grateful I live in the time I do. I am seriously SO blessed. Again I loved taking on the perspective of life from a completely foreign (to me) time period.
  4. Forge- This is the sequel to Chains. The beginning was slow for me, but in the end I liked it.
  5. I started a couple more, but both seemed a little racy for me so I didn't finish.
I also reread the Harry Potter series. Well, almost. I am packing for our move and accidentally packed my reading, but I will finish.

I know summer isn't quite over, but it's already August!! Can you even believe it?! July went by waaaaay too quickly!

Next week we make our big move to Moscow, ID and then on the 15th David starts law school!

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